How Would You React?

Scenario A:

7:30 am. You serve your child breakfast, pour him a glass of milk, and when he tries to drink, he accidentally spills the milk… The floor is all wet and sticky.

Scenario B: 

7:30 am. You serve your best friend breakfast; you offer him coffee. When your friend tries to drink, he accidentally spills the coffee… The floor is all wet and sticky.

How would you react in scenario A? Most likely you will be angry at your child. You will probably say something like – “You always spill the milk! Why can’t you be more careful?” How would you react in scenario B? Will you help your friend clean the floor? Will you try to make him feel better by saying something like – “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing, it happens”?

But why are we so angry at our child, so disappointed, and when our friend does the same thing we are so supportive? 
Why do we treat guests (or in other cases even strangers) more politely than family sometimes?
What’s the difference? 

Our children need us to encourage them when they fail. 
This is how they will gain confidence, high self-esteem. 
This is how they will learn to keep trying and to always believe in themselves.