My name is Lital Feldman. As far back as I can remember I have wanted to be a mom. I always wanted to have a big family, and after my husband and I got married, I couldn't wait to start having babies. I envisioned three kind, well-behaved kids. We would travel, do sports, laugh and genuinely enjoy each other's company.
Well... I was on point about the three kids, but that's about it...
At some point, I started to feel like our time together at home with the kids was a constant battle. The kids were not listening; they were always fighting. I had to ask (and beg!) 5 times for them to do every little thing... (please please PLEASE just brush your teeth!!!) what was I doing wrong?!?
I felt frustrated, tired, stressed. I tried everything - read all kinds of different parenting books, complained to my family and looked for advice from my friends - and nothing worked. It felt that the house was out of control and that I was spinning. The stress affected my relationship with the kids, my husband, and even my work…
I felt in my gut that I had to do something about the situation- that this is NOT how I imagined my life as a mom to be... so I started to look for answers.
The Adlerian Approach - it changed everything!
I had never heard of the Adlerian approach before then and was kind of skeptical at that point. A friend told me about parenting education sessions, implementing the Adlerian approach, and decided to give it a try! From that day on- everything changed for my family and me!
The Adlerian approach basically follows the idea that we are all social beings that need to BELONG. We all have an active part in our lives. We have the power to CHOOSE. We can choose how to act, how to react, and we can choose to CHANGE the way we respond. We all have a PURPOSE in life, and we make all our decisions based on our purpose.
Understanding all that helped me change the way I see my kids and the way I react to their behavior. We were consistent, and pretty quickly, things changed in our house. We started to communicate better. The kids listened to us. They stopped arguing with us and between themselves. The everyday life began to feel CALMER. The mornings were relaxed; we all were ready to leave the house on time without nagging our kids over and over and over... My vision came to life. The fact that such a significant change was possible so quickly amazed me!
In this approach, the educator meets the parents (without the kids), gets to know them, and hears from them about the family members and challenges that they face and, in a series of few sessions, helps them understand what needs to be changed. The changes in the parents' reactions will change the children's behavior. Because, as I mention – we all can CHOOSE, and we all can CHANGE.
Confident Parenting - it starts with YOU!
If it worked for us, it would work for every family. I decided to learn about the Adlerian Approach, earn my Diploma and became a Parent Educator in the Adlerian Approach. I want to help every parent to become a calm, confident parent. I wish every family to have better communication, relaxed atmosphere that will make it possible for all members of the family to feel that they BELONG, enjoy each other, and their time together.
About Lital Feldman

Lital Feldman - Certified Parent Educator in the Adlerian Approach, Owner and Founder of LiFe Parenting Inc.
Lital was born and raised in Israel, where she got her Bachelors Degree in Psychology and Communication from Tel-Aviv University. She worked as HR manager until 2010 when she moved to California with her husband. They live in Orange County where they raise their 3 children – twin girls and a boy. In their spare time together they love riding bike, going for hikes and enjoying the outdoors. Lital loves kids and believes that since they grow up so fast, we should take advantage of every second with them, teach them and help them grow to be independent confident human beings.
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You CAN have the life you dreamed of and BE the parent you wanted to be!