Parental Vision

When we meet "the one" who will be our significant other, we talk about the foods we love, the best book we ever read and our favorite music. We even talk about the location of our dream house – in the middle of Manhattan or in a nice quite suburb (well, maybe not on the very first date but somewhere along the way…) but most of us don’t sit and plan what kind of parents we will be. What are the values that we would want to raise our kids on? What is our “I believe” in terms of education? And in most cases, when we face a dilemma in our children’s lives we find out that we are not on the same page and then it's harder to deal with the issue. When we are not united in front of the kids they SEE and FEEL everything and ACT accordingly…

That is why it is so important to sit, talk and together to find your parental vision. And this vision is not important only for the future of our kids. It will affect the everyday decisions. It will make them easier. In our sessions, we will talk about this vision, how to create it and how to live by it.

Ready to find out more?

To learn more about the way we can help you and your family contact us